Birth Prep Pelvic Physiotherapy
Birth Prep Pelvic Physiotherapy
In-home (North Shore) & Virtual appointments
Whether you're planning on a vaginal or C-section birth, our Pelvic Physio's are here to help you have your best birth. Our Registered Pelvic Health Physiotherapists bring everything they need to assess and treat you in the comfort of your own home. Yes that's right we come to you! Virtual appointments are also offered where we are able to assess and provide guided rehabilitation .
We recommend 5 Birth Prep Sessions starting near Week 26 of pregnancy.
Here’s an outline of what you can expect from these sessions. This is just a template, each patients treatment plan will be created collaboratively between the patient and physiotherapist. We want to address your worries, priorities, goals and unique situation.
Week 26:
- Initial Assessment
- Focus on alleviating any symptoms of pain/discomfort if present (heaviness, lightning crotch, SIJ pain etc) *this is something addressed at each appointment
Week 28:
- Anatomy and function of the Pelvic Floor
- Core Canister and it’s role in pregnancy and labour/pushing
- Importance and strategies to relax the Pelvic Floor
- Mobility exercises
Week 30:
- Overview of baby positions and pelvic biomechanics
- Labour Prep Drill
Week 32:
- Internal Assessment for baseline info
- Types of Pushing and timing
- Breathing techniques and how to actually implement
- Strategies to decrease tearing
- Perineal feedback (massage) in connection with breath
- Pushing strategies
Week 34:
- Consolidate labour and pushing strategies from previous session
- Tearing/episiotomy awareness and healing
- Forceps/vacuum awareness and Pelvic Floor considerations
- Pelvic Organ Descent(Prolapse)
- Caesarean Birth awareness and preparation
Week 36:
- Labour Prep with partner
- Postpartum Prep
Birth prep
Round ligament pain
Leaking (urgency, urinary or fecal incontinence)
Pubic symphysis pain
Postpartum healing
C-section rehab
Vulvodynia and pelvic pain disorders
Urinary or fecal incontinence
SIJ (Sacroiliac Joint) pain, pubic symphysis pain
Diastasis Recti
Mother’s Thumb (De Quervain tenosynovitis)
Breast/ Bottle feeding neck, shoulder pain
Exercise prescription during pregnancy and postpartum
These appointments can involve an internal vaginal or rectal exam but no not have to. The benefits and risks will be discussed between you and your provider during your appointment. You will never be forced to have an internal exam if you are not comfortable with this.
We direct bill most insurance companies in BC, Canada. Virtual appointments outside of BC can not be billed to extended health benefits.